We're proud to be profiled and featured regularly in leading healthcare publications. Read our recent coverage for views on our technology and solutions, and their impact on clinical data exchange.
Internal Audits Help Combat Payer Risk

For a smooth-running revenue cycle, tap into the immense powers of this best practice tool. Wonder Woman has a golden lasso. Captain America has an impenetrable shield. Thor has a lightning hammer. Just as these magical tools bolster superheroes’ defenses, insights...

Patient Right of Access and the Path to Compliance

HIM professionals play an increasingly critical role in privacy and security, release of information (ROI), protected health information (PHI), disclosure management, interoperability, patient access, and more. Those in the health care industry need to keep informed...

When the Police Come Knocking

by Selena Chavis  For many years, the health care industry has been well versed in the parameters of sharing protected health information (PHI) with law enforcement. But even with the best training, HIM professionals, compliance staff, and clinicians still find...

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