The MRO Exchange: Connecting Healthcare Executives

The MRO Exchange: Building State Coalitions with Sue Nathe and Lori Long
Adrienne Morrell, MRO’s VP of Government Affairs, moderated a live discussion at AHIMA 2025 with government affairs specialists highlighting all things state coalition cultivation.

The MRO Exchange: Automated Record Retrieval w/ CHRISTUS Health’s RCS Director, Prudence Budemer
Anthony Murray, MRO’s Chief Interoperability Officer, speaks with Prudence Budemer, Director of Revenue Cycle Services at CHRISTUS Health to explore how CHRISTUS and MRO are leveraging FHIR to streamline the retrieval of medical records.

The MRO Exchange: University Health Kansas City’s RCM Journey with Seth Katz
MRO’s Chief Commercial Officer, Matt Wildman, discusses University Health KC’s journey to MRO as a new release of information vendor with Seth Katz, University Health Kansas City’s VP of Revenue Cycle and HIM.

The MRO Exchange: The Path to Outsourcing ROI at AHIMA Annual Conference
MRO’s VP of Client Success, Angela Rose, was joined by HIM-expert panelists at the AHIMA Annual Conference for an engaging discussion surrounding outsourcing release of information.

The MRO Exchange: Looking ahead to 2025 w/ AHIMA’s Chief Public Policy Officer, Lauren Riplinger
MRO’s VP of Government Affairs, Adrienne Morrell, talks HIM in 2025 in with AHIMA’s Chief Public Policy and Impact Officer, Lauren Riplinger.

The MRO Exchange: AHIMA24 recap with Lauren Wall from Steward Health Care
Senior VP of Client Relations, Don Hardwick, talks all things HIM and AHIMA 2024 with Lauren Wall, National Director of HIM Operations and Shared Services at Steward Health Care.

The MRO Exchange: Security with MRO Chief Information Security Officer, Richard Weiss
Anthony Murray, Chief Interoperability Officer and MRO Chief Information Security Officer, Richard Weiss sit down to comprehensively discuss a crucial topic in the world of healthcare IT: cybersecurity.

The MRO Exchange: Data Quality with Frank Jackson, SVP of Clinical Quality and Payer Solutions
Chief Product Officer, Mo Weitnauer, sits down with SVP of Clinical Quality and Payer Solutions, Frank Jackson, for a comprehensive discussion on data quality.

The MRO Exchange: Interoperability with Anthony Murray, Cyrus Bahrassa, and Lydia Wardi
Chief Interoperability Officer, Anthony Murray, sits down with Founder and CEO of Ashavan, Cyrus Bahrassa, and MRO senior counsel, Lydia Wardi, for a comprehensive discussion on interoperability.

The MRO Exchange: AI in healthcare marketing with Beth Friedman and Carol Flagg
Healthcare media and marketing experts Beth Friedman and Carol Flagg join MRO’s VP of Marketing, Stephanie Kindlick, for a comprehensive discussion on AI in healthcare, providing guidance and helpful insight on utilizing artificial intelligence in healthcare marketing.

The MRO Exchange: Christopher Kunney, healthcare technology and business strategist
Healthcare tech expert Christopher Kunney joins MRO’s Chief Commercial Officer, Matt Wildman, for a discussion on healthcare data responsibility, payer/provider relationships, and more.

The MRO Exchange: Jami Woebkenberg, Senior Director of HIMS Operations at Banner Health
In the latest episode of The MRO Exchange: Connecting Healthcare Executives, host Angela Rose, Vice President of Client Success at MRO, dives into automation in the health information management sphere with expert Jami Woebkenberg, Senior Director of HIMS Operations at Banner Health.
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