Information You Need to Know about a HEDIS Audit from Revenue Cycle Experts
Each year HEDIS rating criteria is updated, meaning your organization needs to stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends for HEDIS compliance audits. Below we explore some common questions about HEDIS and review important information your team should know now and...
Internal Audits Help Combat Payer Risk
For a smooth-running revenue cycle, tap into the immense powers of this best practice tool. Wonder Woman has a golden lasso. Captain America has an impenetrable shield. Thor has a lightning hammer. Just as these magical tools bolster superheroes’ defenses, insights...
Revenue Integrity: How to Reduce Costs and Retain Revenue
As the world prepares to navigate year three of COVID-19, the impact of the pandemic continues to touch every facet of healthcare. For health information (HI) professionals, demands to share patient information and support interoperability present multiple challenges...