Fast Focus: Clinical Data Registries and the Compilation of Databases
Clinical data registries work as databases to hold and organize healthcare data. They are tasked with evaluating and improving clinical outcomes for a patient population within specific defined measures. Professional associations, specialty societies, research and...
Fast Focus: Provider-Payer Data Exchange
The relationship between healthcare providers and payers is filled with decades of finger pointing and administrative burdens. From payer denials to telephone tag, both sides of the healthcare reimbursement process experience unnecessary operational abrasion and...
Fast Focus: ROI Staffing
ADP Research Institute recently conducted a 17-country survey to determine what workers love (or hate) about their jobs¹ . ADP’s report is the most timely and extensive research available. The Institute concluded that workers in today’s economy value flexibility over...
Fast Focus: Information Sharing
The 21st Century Cures Act aims to improve access to health information and a connected healthcare ecosystem by establishing interoperability and anti-information blocking requirements. What started nearly two decades ago with regional Health Information Exchanges...