Six HI Questions to Ask Your EHR Vendor for High-Volume Payer Requests
Health information (HI) professionals nationwide anticipate a looming tsunami of payer requests for medical records. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Medicare Advantage Risk Adjustment Data Validation (RADV) audit season peaks from March through...
Release of Information: The Digitization of ROI
The health care industry has undergone a significant transformation with the widespread adoption of EHRs and the electronic exchange of patient information. In the wake of digitization, the release of information (ROI) process has also changed and will continue to...
Value-Based Care and Its Potential for HI Professional Growth
The US healthcare system spends more per citizen on healthcare than any other nation yet renders some of the worst patient health outcomes as reiterated by a January 2023 Issue Brief published by The Commonwealth Fund. As medicine and technology advanced in the US,...
MRO Satisfies Payer Medical Record Requests Automatically
Requests for medical records have grown enormously in recent years—and that’s as it should be. Because data allows for better decision-making, patient records are being requested by payers, communities of care, and patients themselves. However, this can sometimes be...